
When I find a good book that I’ve read, I’ll pass it along here.

2 thoughts on “Books

  1. A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines
    Patrick Morley

    I read this book in the Spring of this year and I really enjoyed it. It put into context many of the responsibilities of Godly men. The author does a great job of connecting to you as you read and making you feel like its relevant to your life. There were some things that I had heard/known growing up about being a Godly man, but it was refreshing to hear them again with practical examples. I recommend this book to any guy who is unsure about his identity in Christ.

  2. Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe
    Mark Driscoll + Gary Breshears

    I’ve only read the first two chapters, but so far this is the most comprehensive book about the main beliefs of Christianity as set out in the Bible. Every page has anywhere from 5-15 biblical footnotes pointing you to the scriptures every time they are referred to. It clearly breaks down some complex parts of the Bible such as the Trinity and the Word. This book will be a great tool for any apologetics out there, or for anyone who would like to better be able to defend and explain their beliefs.

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